Merpati Discover The Past

Jayapura - The SAR Merpati Twin Otter, on Tuesday (4 / 8) pukul 06.25 WIT, to find the point the plane fall. Pilot captain Erick from AMA only see the tail Merpati was unlucky.

According to the SAR Coordinator Colonel (GNI) Suwandi Miharja, aircraft found in the area of Papua Ampisibil Star Mountain, about 3 nm from Oksibil, capital of the Mountain Bintang.Pesawat in the height of 9300 feet with a visible tail plane. SAR team of 22 people who have been prepared for evacuation using a heli Kamov and one Twin Otter aircraft.

Unfortunately due to thick fog, the plane detained in Oksibil awaiting improved weather tomorrow Wednesday. Nahas MZ9760D aircraft with flight Qadrianova and technicians plus kopilot Pramudya Supriadi bring 12 passengers.

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